Find the best downloads for Counter Strike on this page!

Name Description Size

Counter Strike V1.3 Full

This is the Newest beta version of the game.


Counter Strike V1.3 Update

Boost you older 7.2 version to the number 1


Half-Life Full/Patch This is the newest version of Half-Life 74.8MB/12.4MB

CS Version 1.3 is out!!!!!!!!! It's a lot better then fuckin 1.1 WHEW!!! hehe, but its still a great game and that's why we're still playin it, download it and maybe we'll see you around in some servers.

If anyone wants a crack or full version of about any game you can think of email me at and ask me.

Recent Clan Demo/screenshot Zips (These files are temporary to save space on server so please download soon)

Match Name Description Size

rc|- vs RCS | FWH-i

rc|- pulls of this win with a score of 14-12

25.3 Megs


Design copyright of Noah Hearle of Design Extreme ICQ Direct!.